22 Nov The ZEN Homoeopathy in the U.K.
Sunday 29 October 2017
Dr. Torako Yui was invited as a speaker for the Homoeopathic Medical Association (HMA) Annual Conference in London, the U.K. and gave the presentation as the last speaker of the program.
Presentation: The Zen Homoeopathy – Leading Mind, Body and Soul to be cured in the Trinity
Dr. Torako began with explaining about the significance and overview of the ZEN Homoeopathy that treats soul, mind and body in the trinity. Then, she showed her cases to tell importance of healing Inner Child and how to do that.
In the case, Dr. Torako stayed present to the pain of the patient who spent bitter and sad at childhood.
She resonated with the patient and let her to be aware of her inner child who was waiting for being healed. Everyone watched the cases seriously.
It is wonderful to see patients went through changes.
Treating a disease by a homoeopathic skill will give a superficial and temporary cure only.
A real cure will be led by unifying homoeopathy and healing inner child.
This approach seemed to give a new insights to British homoeopaths.
Mr. Hans G Schrauder gave his comment in the end.
‘I read Torako wrote her new book wholeheartedly and I fully understand that she takes cases with all her heart.’
It is believed that Dr. Torako’s soulful case take gave an opportunity to recognise the great value of homoeopathic medicine again. She received generous applause from the participants.
< Feedback from participants in the U.K. >
● Working with your Inner Child and continue to work with the Inner Child if not the problem or illness will come back again. Mind and Soul continues even after we passed over we will re-enter a new chapter in life until our soul is clear we will keep coming back over and over again until we accept things in life and we are all clear until we have peace and harmony like anything in life we have to work at it over and over again until we reach our peace of mind in a physical state and also a mental state as well. We will keep turning different corner in life until we reached the right corner to finalise our being in the use so we can move on and pass over with ease.
● Very insightful presentation and I was intrigued about the soul and mind relationship. It is so important to remember faith, god, soul in our lives which are dominated by eternal demands. I have experienced shamanic healing and I was stuck by the very synergies between this form of healing and the Zen Homoeopathy!
● Such important work on the mother – child relationship on so many levels. Essential work for the planet! A beautiful presentation, well balanced, and real.
● Thank you for a wonderful lecture! I really enjoyed your video cases where it was obvious that homoeopathy heals not the person but the soul. What amazing transformations in your patients! Please carry on with your magical work, giving enlightenment to so many people.
● Thank you very much for giving us such a heartful and moving lecture today. I was inspired by learning the importance of treating patients, body, mind and soul. It was wonderful time and full of learning.
● Beautiful work and a very touching presentation with on underlying soul power coming through to heal all our inner child. Thank you!
● Thank you for informative talk and for raising awareness on treating the human being taking into an account the trinity of soul, mind and body.
● It was very interesting talk about healing the inner child. This is necessary treat to who has suffered.
● I felt very inspiring for today’s lecture. But, still not sure what is the special of Zen homoeopathy. Anyway, today’s lecture made me notice for mental is important for diseases.
● Brilliant. Very holistic!!
● Very interesting use of complex homoeopathy – loved the Inner Child healing demonstration. Very inspirational.
● I love Dr. Torako Yui’s work. I have several of her books, especially ‘Homoeopathy for Trauma and disasters’ and ‘The Zen Homoeopathy DVD’. All are so informative as is this lecture.
● Very moving to work. Thank you.
● It was very eye opening healing. So much pain cases from our Inner Child.
● I am Indian, living in the U.K. I can understand this spirituality, past life and can say I like it very much. If any possibility about your workshop in the U.K. It’s wonderful. Thank you for your presentation.
● Interesting dynamic approach to cases. Enjoyable to see the transitions and situations. Many thanks.
● It’s very fantastic event. I enjoyed very much. I would like to learn more!
● Very moving and informative presentation.
● Very interesting case work shared with us. Torako Yui’s work is like nothing I’ve seen – her patient sessions are passionate, directed + so different to Western or Indian consulting, Amazing. Passionate, Honest, Loving. Also well translated with good slides.
● Thank you for the vision. This is lovely and amazing lecture. Congratulations, Dr. Torako Yui. I will like to invite you to Nigeria in near future for lecture like this. I will like to be member of Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association Thanks. God bless.
● Powerful lecture. The video was incredibly moving – Thank you. -so much love.
● Very infomative X learning based lecture by Dr. Torako Yui once again about healing the inner child. I absolutely enjoy it. Thank you.
● Interested to see the approach which I have employed myself for many years without knowing of, was also that of ZEN homoeopathy, Challenging idea which I know will prove of value in coordinating approaches for the benefit of all.
● It was very interesting presentation with new approaches and insights. Thank you for your talk!
●Very interesting, very emotional. Really captured with her Inner Child Healing.
● Beautiful lecture by a beautiful being- so grateful for her wisdom, presence and huge hearted.