09 Oct Dr. Torako Yui joins ‘Homeopathy Summit – Eye on the Future’
Dr. Torako Yui has been invited to ‘Homeopathy Summit – Eye on the Future’ as a speaker, representing Japanese homoeopaths.
She will share her thoughts on;-
- how to stay healthy and safe during any crisis that might come
- how to stimulate your immune system efficiently once and for all
- how to stay calm and resilient no matter what challenge life offer
- how to escape belief systems and unhealthy patterns and addictions
- how to free your mind from delusions and become ultimative creative
【Web link】
Receive life-changing expert tips from the world’s best speakers on Homeopathy, Health, Immune Stimulation, Resilience, Freedom of Choice and Self-responsible Life
On the previous day, Sat 10 Oct, a recorded interview will be also streamed.
We hope you would enjoy watching this interview!