12 Dec Congratulatory messages to the 18th JPHMA Congress
We have been receiving congratulatory messages to the 18th JPHMA Congress that celebrates the 20th anniversary of its establishment. We are deeply grateful to everyone for their warm supports!
Dr. R. K. Manchanda
Director General of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH)
Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India
I am delighted that the Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association is holding the 18th Annual Congress on 13 and 14 January 2018 to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
JPHMA has been engaged in the promotion and academic research and education and international exchange of homoeopathy in Japan for the last two decades.
The efforts of Dr. Torako Yui are commendable who was single-handedly brought homoeopathy to Japan and established the first homoeopathic college and this association.
Many congratulations for very innovative and novelty for this congress that is ‘Beautiful Body, Mind and Soul – They are gifts from Nature’
I truly believe that we are all shaped by our thoughts, having our positive thoughts, combined with positive action resulting healthy and successful life.
Any illness can be tackled with mental strength and courage
Homoeopathy is widely popular due to its individualistic approach and holistic way of treating mind and body together.
I have a vision that this congress will provide an excellent opportunity to students, practitioners in Japan to share the views, ideas and the knowledge.
Dr. Prasanta Banerji (India)
Founder of Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homoeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF)
My most heartfelt congratulations to the JPHMA for completing twenty long and successful years.
‘Beautiful Body, Mind and Soul – They are gifts from nature’ – you have chosen a most correct and relevant theme for your 18th Congress. We humans are blessed with a body that only exists to keep us healthy, a mind that is more evolved than any other creature on earth, and a soul that is our sweetest essence. What we don’t realise is that these three depend on each other for optimum well-being. A mind polluted by anger and jealousy cannot let a body be healthy; an unhealthy body disturbs the mind and diverts it from our work and passions in life. The soul blooms best when both are in sync with one another. the present times, continually stressful and filled with more and more wants, makes this difficult.
Homoeopathy has the power to change the way people feel about their bodies. I strongly believe that it is the medicine of the future, and in order to create this world where most people heal faster and better with no side-effects, we need organisations like the JPHMA to flourish and expand.
Dr. Torako Yui, who had the great foresight to establish this organisation, is a colleague I hold in the highest esteem. She has fought a difficult fight in her homeland and still remains a child-like vitality and eagerness when it comes to her work. I encourage Ms. Keiko Matsuo to follow in her footsteps and take the establishment to even greater heights.
Congratulations onece again, and the very best of wishes for the road ahead.
Dr. Farokh Master (India)
Shri Kuldeep Jain (India)
C.E.O. of B. Jain Group
I would love to congratulate to all of you at JPHMA for your 20th Anniversary celebrating on 13-14th January 2018.
I have seen JPHMA growing from the last twenty years under the guidance of Dr. Torako Yui from a small plant to a BIG TREE.
Dedication and passion for homeopathy is in the blood of Dr.Torako . In my words homeopathy is like a religion for which we need trust and faith. Theme of Body Mind Spirit is very much related to the work of JPHMA . I salute to Dr.Torako and her dedicated Team who is working hard to promote homeopathy like a Meditation.
I still remember my visit in the year 2006-2007.
Dr. Simona Nițu (Romania)
President of the Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy (RAGH)
To: dr. Torako Yui,
President of the Japanese Homeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA)
Thank you for the honour you bestowed upon us on the occasion of the Homeopathy Seminar held on the 24th of October, 2017, in Iasi, Romania. Learning about other approaches in the field of homeopathic treatments, which You developed in Japan over time, and which proved their efficacy in the medical practice was an experience-exchange extremely beneficial and interesting for us.
Your presentation and manner of exposition have deeply impressed us, they have deeply touched our heartstrings and created unseen-yet-strong bonds between us and the members of Your team, a bond we feel we equally have with all JPHMA members.
The fact that You also wished to get acquainted with the Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy’s activity was a challenge and a great satisfaction for us due to the appreciations You expressed at the end of the meeting.
Therefore, our Association would like to award You the title of
HONORARY MEMBER of the Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy.
Your acceptance of the title would mean a great honour that brings great value to our Association.
We also take this opportunity to congratulate You on the occasion of the 18th Homeopathy Congress of the Japanese Homeopathy Medical Association (JPHMA), which takes place in Tokyo in January 2018, a Congress that also marks Your 20 years of sustained work for the introduction and development of homeopathy in Japan.
We are joining in our thoughts all the participants to this Congress to pay homage together to Your entire activity, Your teachings and Your practice, all the effort You made to make known in the Country of the Rising Sun the knowledge of Doctor Samuel Hahnemann, whose imprints we also dearly keep on the territory of Romania, as we also do with Pol Henry’s teachings on Gemmotherapy and the therapeutic power found in young plant tissues.
We also thank you for extending an invitation to our colleague, dr. Malina Ciumasu, to hold a Seminar on the subject of Miasmatic Gemmotherapy at the Congress in Tokyo. We thus hope that this be the beginning of a beautiful collaboration between our associations, in the fields of the two disciplines, to continue sharing the experience each of us obtains along the years, doctors from two different nations who joyfully met for the same purpose, to lovingly and responsibly approach human suffering.
With deepest regards and appreciation,
Ms. Karin Mont (The U.K.)
Chair of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths
Dr Yui’s dream – Congratulations to the JPHMA!
It seems hard to believe that just over twenty years ago, homeopathy in Japan was almost unheard of. Most of the general public knew nothing about homeopathy, there were no registered practitioners, there were no homeopathic books in Japanese, there were no training courses in homeopathy, and homeopathic medicines had to be imported from other countries. However, back in 1998, that changed completely, when one determined and remarkable person literally brought a dream into reality, and founded the Japanese Homeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA), the first important step towards bringing homeopathy to Japan.
I wonder how many people know that it was a dream which prompted Dr Torako Yui to search for a safe and gentle form of healing to help with her own health issues, and thereby to discover homeopathy. Having experienced the extraordinary healing power of homeopathy at first hand, Dr Yui decided to devote her life to homeopathy, and the results are deeply impressive. Dr Yui is, and always has been, someone who makes good things happen, and she seems to be blessed with limitless energy to help her on her way! Under her guidance, homeopathy in Japan has grown and flourished, and is now accepted as an effective healthcare modality.
The sheer scale of Dr Yui’s undertaking has been breath taking, and thanks to her tireless commitment, there are now a number of excellent homeopathy training courses across Japan, managed by the Royal Academy of Homeopathy (RAH). There is also the JPHMA, which has reached its 20th birthday this year (2018), and which we are celebrating at this congress. There are also several well stocked homeopathic pharmacies, and dozens of shops across the country which sell homeopathic products and books to the general public. When I say ‘books’, it sounds very simple, but we have to remember that 20 years ago there were no homeopathy books in Japanese, and we have Dr Yui to thank for the translation of most those available today.
Dr Yui has also been very active in engaging with the people of Japan, to help them better understand the true nature of health and disease, and how homeopathy can significantly improve their overall wellbeing. More recently, Dr Yui has been helping to deliver hope and healing to those individuals adversely affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami which led to the Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011. Reaching out to the public in this way sends a very powerful message of love and compassion to a world which is all too often deeply traumatised.
In conclusion, Dr Yui and the JPHMA have achieved a tremendous amount in the last 20 years, and if they continue working to the high standard already established, I believe we can look forward to an exciting and productive future for homeopathy in Japan. On behalf of my colleagues on the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths Board (ARH), I would like to congratulate the JPHMA on reaching this important landmark.
May the vital force continue to inspire you all!
Mr. Trevor Gunn (the U.K.)
Hello to Torako and all the organisers on the JPHMA congress towards the special anniversary conference, and hello to all the member of JPHMA who commit the conference and those with spirit but not physically.
First of all, My name is Trevor Gunn. Some of you may know me through work what I’ve done at college or through work that I’ve done about vaccines, and I would like to say special thank you for inviting me to make good will message.
Mainly, of course, Congratulate on 20 years of JPHMA, developing that 20 years ago and growing to the point that you now have.
Many many homoeopaths in Japan and rest of the world, and all that supports you have given those people. This is important for not only homoeopathy but also for the fact these homoeopaths can think holistically. They have a way of broad in the picture of health. They understand and we understand environment affects us. How we affect environment. Therefore, We can champion on the course of promoting things the primal health. We can pause things that are opposition of health. So, it is really important job and important to group of people are growing JPHMA supports.
Of course, we have Torako. Largely thanks for this. Torako came to the UK where she was trained and developed all the things from nothing I guess. From the scratch, you have colleges, pharmacy, farming are very important for JPHMA.
So, Torako is very inspirational for all of students and practitioners, like you know you can likewise
get out there, get teach your groups work, develop your practices, work with other people,
start network and shine your light as you are throughout Japan and beyond.
So, all the end of messages, a message of encouragement should I say, and important context. The context is just to show you that over the last 30 years which I have been involving with homoeopathy.
I’ve seen homoeopathy grow and also struggling for some certain past of the world and the same time, however, a bigger involvement of public is much more interested in holistic healthcare, being in the form of diet and environmental health and so on. So, definitely growth of homoeopathy is adding to the growth. At the same time, I also see lots of opposition. Whatever in that is very important that we continuously shining a light and you continues to support homoeopathy and support these people in the world.
Because without it, it is very dark and depressive place.
So, Well done JPHMA.
Well done what you’ve done and will continue to do.
And Congratulations
I wish you all well.
Hope you Have a great conference.
…and I’ll be here at the next one in the 20 years time.
Congratulating you.
Well done.
Thank you.
Mr. Colin Griffith (The. U.K.)
Dear Members of the JPHMA,
This is to send you all my hearty congratulations and very best wishes on the occasion of the 18th Congress and the 20th anniversary of your founding by the inimitable and indefatigable Torako Yui.
It is hard to believe that it is already 20 years since homoeopathy arrived in Japan and yet what an extraordinary amount has been achieved in that time. It is humbling to think of just how many people you are all already helping. You can be justifiably proud. I trust that with all your collective hard work, homoeopathy will go from strength to strength and never been worn down by lack of commitment, politics, bad press or any of the other trials that are sent to impede our gentle art of healing. While you have Torako to lead and inspire, you have an indomitable champion. It is with enormous interest that I have seen how she has developed the concept of Zen homoeopathy; I am certain Samuel Hahnemann would have approved! (If he were here today he would have wished he had thought of it first!)
While many of you will not yet have been qualified when I came to Japan some years ago, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you all that I have never forgotten the extraordinary welcome I received. I remember vividly the lectures I gave on 6 of the crystal remedies; particularly memorable because of the rapt attention you gave me. I am honoured to have been asked to write to you as it encourages me to think that the cross-fertilisation in alternative medicine between East and West carries on whatever is happening in the world. Long may that continue.
With my sincerest good wishes to all,
Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjea (The U.K.)
Dear Friends in Homoeopathy,
It is a matter of great pleasure to learn about the 18th Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA) Congress is going to be held in Tokyo on 13 and 14 January 2018.
In the past, during my lectures at JRAH, I have found the students are very sincere and keen to learn the deeper aspects of Homoeopathic Philosophy and the nuances of Materia Medica.
Principal, Dr. Torako sow the seeds of homoeopathy in Japan and with all of your support, you are now watching it to blossom!
‘The Japan Royal Academy of Homoeopathy (former of the College of Holistic homoeopathy: CHhom) is doing a wonderful job in promoting homoeopathy amongst Japanese people in particular and also expanding the same to general public at large under the able leadership of Dr. Torako Yui.
I wisIt is with much happiness that I see Homoeopathy in Japan continuing to develop, and that the seeds of
this system of medicine in Japan, planted carefully and lovingly nurtured by Dr. Torako Yui, have so
quickly grown to such a height as we see today.
And it is with this acknowledgement of the contributions of Dr. Yui, of her tireless dedication and
continued work giving birth to the JPHMA which has now reached the beginnings of maturity on its’
20th birthday, and of its members who have accepted the responsibility and faithfully continue the work,
that I wish to offer my heartfelt thanks, on behalf of our Homoeopathy.
Happy birthday JPHMA, and please enjoy this gathering of your 20th Anniversary Congress – a historic
milestone which will be also celebrated in absentia by your friends and colleagues around the world.
Yours in Homoeopathy,
Dr. Georgeh the Congress every success.
Thanking you,
Long Live Hahnemann, Long Live Homoeopathy,
Yours, In Health, Homoeopathically,
Dr. Rosina Sonnenshmidt, Mr. Harald Knauss, Mr. Stefan Heinz and Mrs. Ute Müller (Germany)
Dear Torako-sensei and JPHMA-Team,
20 years ago there was a lady-homoeopath who had a vision – the vision to help her nation, her people, to save the health, and to do something for her culture. In the beginning she was a nobody for the conventional medicine in Japan. But her broad mind, her supreme intelligence made possible what seemed to be impossible. She, Torako-sensei gets our full admiration, respect, and appreciation because she went an unexpected way to reach all aims to establish a holistic Homoeopathy and holistic view of agriculture. What she got once as an inspiration from Germany such as Homoeopathy according to Samuel Hahnemann and Demeter-agriculture she developed to such a high standard that now we in Germany look to Japan. We have seen in 2 congresses (2012 and 2017) here in Germany how wonderful the spiritual view of holistic medicine has become true in Japan. Whenever I was in Japan I was touched by the seriousness, creativity, and power, created by Torako-sensei in only 20 years.
In the beginning the Japanese students took the teachings from western teachers. But soon Torako-seinsei became independent from European teachings and started her own way of holistic thinking. What we admire totally is her fusion of Medicine, Homoeopathy, Shinto and Buddhism to an new holistic view of Japanese culture. If I could manage I would give her the Nobel Prize for her courage to save the national health situation in Japan. Let’ s hope it will become true!
We know, she went her way not alone, she got assistance from all sides and found the right people to follow her vision. We thank all these wonderful helpers in the background of the JPHMA and wish the greatest success in the coming years.
Get our greetings form
Dr. Rosina Sonnenschmidt
Dr. Didier Grandgeorge (France)
Dear Torako and colleague of JPHMA,
I am happy and proud to send you my best wishes for your 20th anniversary.
Homoeopathy is a medicine to evolve ill people and permits them to reach fundamental love.
I send you my last work about autism and with give Chlorum good result.
Best regards,
Dr. George Dimitriadis (Australia)
It is with much happiness that I see Homoeopathy in Japan continuing to develop, and that the seeds of this system of medicine in Japan, planted carefully and lovingly nurtured by Dr. Torako Yui, have so quickly grown to such a height as we see today.
And it is with this acknowledgement of the contributions of Dr. Yui, of her tireless dedication and continued work giving birth to the JPHMA which has now reached the beginnings of maturity on its’20th birthday, and of its members who have accepted the responsibility and faithfully continue the work, that I wish to offer my heartfelt thanks, on behalf of our Homoeopathy.
Happy birthday JPHMA, and please enjoy this gathering of your 20th Anniversary Congress – a historic milestone which will be also celebrated in absentia by your friends and colleagues around the world.
Yours in Homoeopathy,
Dr. Rudi Verspoor (Canada)
Please accept my congratulations for your 20th anniversary, and in particular to Dr. Torako Yui as honorary chairperson. I would like to take this opportunity to honour the work of the JPHMA and Dr. Yui in promoting the work and teachings of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, which effort is remarkable in terms of dedication and achievements, for which the people of Japan have benefitted greatly.
Ms. Kate Birth (United States of America)
Hello, my name is Kate Birch, I met Dr. Torako Yui in 2007 in Heidelberg at the first International Council on Homeopathy meeting in at the 20th Links Conference in Heidelberg Germany. I remember being impressed with the successes Torako has influenced in Japan at that time. But more importantly I was impressed with how Torako stood with her feet squarely placed on the ground. For me that was a sign of strength and fortitude I had not seen so clearly in any other person.
I believe that it is from that position of standing firmly that all of Torako’s works have come to fruition. As a homeopath, dedicated to my profession as well, I am humbled to know her and the gifts she has shared with the people in Japan with regards to homeopathy. It takes a person of enormous breadth of heart, great compassion for the nature of human suffering, sweetness in spirit, and incredible internal organization to fathom, and manifest JPHMA and all the endeavors it is involved in, not only in Japan but also around the world.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have come to Japan in 2011 to present at the JPHMA annual conference and to witness first hand Torako’s compassion as she held the space for the students grieving their losses from the disaster at Fukushima. It is from her example we each can be stronger in our convictions and our commitment to serving humanity through the vehicle of Homeopathy.
Thank you JPHMA for holding the space for Dr. Torako as she steps down, and to my friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Torako Yui, I venerate you and bless you in all your future works.