CASE STUDY – Down’s syndrome, Leukemia


12 years old Boy

Main complaints : Down’s syndrome, Leukemia

He was diagnosed as Down’s syndrome just after his birth.

History of vaccinations : Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Rubella, BCG

After he was vaccinated with BCG, he started to have a runny nose frequently, then developed otitis media with effusion. He had influenza, chickenpox, CV catheter-based therapy twice.

During pregnancy: His birth was wanted by parents. Morning sickness was not so intense.

Fetal movement was weak

Delivery:  3,077 g of birth-weight. Delivery took only 6 hours. (Easy delivery)

His initial cry was weak and stopped at once. He was diagnosed as Down’s syndrome.


Birth He was fed poorly, and mixed feeding until 6 months.

        Then he was bottle-fed until 1 year and 6 months old.

BCG vaccination

10 months He had otitis media with effusion (until 3 year & 4 months)

1 year 6 months He started to speak, but did not utter a single word after that.

3 years 1 month He had influenza.

3 years 2 months He had the chickenpox, but it was suppressed with drug.

3 years 4 months His otitis media with effusion was cured.

3 years 6 months and 7 months  He had a high fever of 40 degrees Celsius for 1 day.

3 years 8 months old He had another high fever of 40 degrees for 2 days followed by low fever for

1 week.

3 years 9 months old He developed acute leukemia. He was hospitalized for 6 months.

Anti-cancer treatment. Cylocide 5 times

4 years 3 months Chemical treatment completed and he left the hospital.

9 years 9 months Acute leukemia came back.

10 years old Acute leukemia recurred.

The number of platelets is 13 thousand. Very low.

21 April 2011

He has two difficult diseases. One is Down’s syndrome and the other is leukemia.

I use The Bönninghausen Repertory (Tbr).

TBR Rubrics

192. Appearance – Mouth, staying open (gaping) :

183. Appearance – Eruptions (exanthema) : – mouth, about the

369. Sour – desires

1708. <Cold, after being (effects from ‘catching’ cold) :

1738. > heated (internally overheated), from being:  – radiant heat source (fire, heater, stove, etc) :

660. Blood & Circulation – Reduced (inadequate) circulation (with pallor, etc.) :

905. Sides of the body – right side :

791. Mind – Indifference :


As required: Support Heart (*combination mother tinctures and remedies to support Heart)

+ Merc-sol.30C +Alum.30C +Antican-C-D30C +Antibiot-C-D30C +Pyrog.30C

Morning: Hep. LM1

Afternoon: Carc. LM2

Night: Ars. LM3

Arsenicum is a good remedy for leukemia, the number one remedy. I prescribed three dimensionally.

He had pus in his blood a lot, so Hep-sulph is very important. Hep-sulph LM1 in the morning, Carcinosin LM2 in the afternoon, and Arsenicum LM3 at night. I gave him Support Heart because he had a lot of pus in his red blood cells. There is difficult circulation due to white cell and wastes products in blood, so his heart needed to be supported. The most essential organ has to be supported first. I added anti-cancer remedy 30C, Merc-sol 30C and Alum 30C in the support tincture. A lot of youngsters’ leukemia is caused by vaccines. It is particularly related to harmful effects of aluminum and mercury. I stimulate organ support and elimination by tautopathic remedies. The base tinctures are Cactus and Crataegus.

Cactus Grandiflorus

Cactus is effective for weakened, painful heart and also for congestive injuries with intolerable pain. Biologically, it works in the heart and circulation organs. Its mental state is sorrow, anxiety, fear of death, easily driven to fear.


Crataegus is an excellent herbal tonic for the heart. It is effective for dysfunction of the heart, heart valve diseases, and weak, racing pulse due to anemia, Breathing difficulty, swelling.

I put Calc-phos and Zinc-mur in this tincture. Calc-phos is very important for cancer as it is an essential mineral. All these remedies in the tincture come from “Chronic diseases” and “Materia Medica Pura” by S. Hahnemann.

14 July 2011 Report from the patient


・Just after taking remedies, wet cough started.

・Red rashes appeared on his back and the rash around his mouth calmed down.

・He had a discharge of pus from the ears.

・He became able to perspire.

・He shed tears when he was denied. (He expressed his emotion.)


He started to express his own will which is good. He also shows his emotions. Very good!

TBR Rubric

1472. Eruptions – Miliary (miliaria rubra, heat rash [prickly heat]) :

250. Back – Back in general:

100. Discharges ( effluxion) from the ears- purulent (pus) :

104. Hearing – Difficult (hardness of hearing) :

164. Appearance – Colour, – pale:


As required:  Support Spleen (*combination mother tinctures and remedies to support Spleen)

+ Tamiflu remedy + Sul-ac. 30C + Calc-phos. 12X

Morning: Sil. LM1 Sulph. LM2

Afternoon: Carc. LM3

Evening: Puls. LM4

I gave him Support Spleen. This is good for people with leukemia. Spleen is very important for immune system, so I gave him spleen support this time and put Tamiflu remedy as he had taken a lot of Tamiflu. This is tautopathy.

Mother tinctures for spleen support are Ruta and Echinacea.

I also added Calc-phos 12X.

I also added Sul-ac 30C. Sul-ac eliminates wastes in a body very quickly.

If people have smelly sour perspiration and it stains yellow, this is Sul-ac.

Ruta graveolens

Ruta is effective for the eyes, tendons, bones. It also has anticancer effect.

Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea is proven to be a most important herbal immune activating agent.

It also purifies blood. Echinacea has no toxicity, boosts the immune system.

It has anti-biosis and antiviral effect.

It is used for treatment of fever, infectious diseases, and reduces allergy symptoms.

Calc-phos and Zinc are very important for people with cancer.

As a result of a study, a major cause of leukemia is show to be insufficient minerals.

Supplying minerals such as “calcium”, “zinc” is very effective to some kinds of leukemia. Blood including white blood cells is produced in the bone marrow and intestine. If calcium is insufficient in the bone marrow, the function of the bone marrow gets worse and it cannot produce normal blood.

16th Feb. 2012 Consultation Report from the patient


He had influenza.

The number of red blood cells returned to the normal range.

TBR Rubric

577 Coryza – fluent (with mucus discharge) :

590 Airways secretions (nasal & sputa) – Acid (corrosive, excoriating) – nasal :

192 Appearance – Mouth, staying open (gaping):

687  Thermoregulatory – Coldness – Single parts:

1706 < Cold, on becoming (immediate): (+ amel. Warm becoming)

660 Blood & Circulation – Reduced (inadequate) circulation (with pallor, etc.):

791 Mind – Indifference:


As required: Support Intestines (*combination mother tinctures and remedies to support intestines)

+ Carb-an.LM4 + Antican-C-D30C + Puls. LM6 + Ars.LM6

Morning: Sil.LM4

Afternoon: Carc.LM5

Evening: Squil.LM6

Arsenicum came up again, but I chose Scilla this time.

His body is very cold, so Silica constitution.

I gave him Support intestines this time.

Red cell, white cell, blood platelets, everything come from intestine rather than bone mallow.

Intestine is very important for leukemia person.

I added anticancer remedies for iatrogenic disease.

The tinctures are Quercus, Crataegus and Alfalfa.

Quercus spp.

Quercus contains tannin, that has astringent action, and reduces secretion from mucous membranes. It is effective for diarrhea and intestinal regulation by internal application.

It is also effective for congestion of blood by bruise, circulatory disturbance, hemorrhoids, syphilis, pus formation of the skin.


Crataegus is an excellent herbal tonic for the heart.It is effective for dysfunction of the heart, heart valve diseases, and weak, racing pulse due to anemia, breathing difficulty, swelling.

Alfalfa – Medicago sativa

It contains a lot of vitamins (A, B-complex, K, etc.), minerals, proteins, food fiber, isoflavone, chlorophyl, that are effective for recovery from fatigue, tonicity, appetite improvement, constipation, anemia, menopausal symptoms, cholesterol reduction.

It is also effective for digestive troubles, kidney problems, frequent & excessive urination, digestion/ absorption.

Scilla maritima (Scill.)

Quotation from Materia Medica Pura(Reine Arzneimittellehre (RA))

< Scirrhous >

Materia Medica Pure No. 157 Cause induration (scirrhous)

Materia Medica Pure No. 158 Induration (scirrhous) with high fever and inflammation can turn to cancer by Scilla.

< Coldness >

Materia Medica Pure No. 182 Chill in the entire body. Rather cold skin.

Materia Medica Pure No. 184 Hands are as cold as ice even in a warm room.

Materia Medica Pure No. 185 Hands and feet are as cold as ice, whereas other parts of the body are warm.

Materia Medica Pure No. 186 Feet are as cold as ice.

12 July 2012 Report from the patient


・Blood condition gets better

・Fever 38~39 then developed cough

・Eruption on his face returned

・Athlete’s foot on his left feet

・Otitis media with effusion is continued

Homoeopaths should talk to patient’s mother and give love and encouragement, as they are having hard time. So homoeopaths should have empathy towards patients’ mothers, not only toward patients.

TBR Rubric

96  Ears – Discharges (effluxion) from the ears:

583 Respiratory – Cough – Expectoration, without:

590 Airways secretions (nasal & sputa) – Acid (corrosive, excoriating) – nasal:

625 Airways secretions (nasal & sputa) –Watery (thin) – nasal

449 Urination (micturition) – Infrequent (seldom) too:

456 Urination (micturitation) – reduced (inadequate, scanty, oliguria, anuria)

474 Urin – Odour – ammoniacal

475 Urin – Odour – offensive (foul, stinking)


As required: Support Lungs (*combination mother tinctures and remedies to support Lungs)

+ Zinc-m.12C + Carb-v.LM5

Morning: Phos. LM5

Afternoon: Psor. LM6

Evening: Carb-v. LM5

This time, I gave him support for lungs. Lung support contains mother tinctures of Echinacea and Quebracho.  I already explained about Echinacea.

Quebracho Aspidosperma

Quebracho reduces digestive troubles due to tuberculosis and pleural inflammation.

It also relieves symptoms of asthma, difficult breathing with cyanosis.

I gave him the nosode Psorinuma. Psor. stimulates Psora that is incorporated in VF, then reduces and delays the acute energy or momentum that is dangerous for VF.

11 October 2012 Report from the patient


・ Acute leukemia was improved

・ Total protein was increased

・ He grew in height

・ He could not speak before, but he is now trying to talk with stumbling over his words

・ Skin eruptions (around mouth, cheek, sole and toes) have been improved

・ Exudative otitis media has been improved. Left ear was cured.

TBR Rubric

1997 >Leaning (resting) on something

823 Sleeping – Waking – often during the night

1374 Skin in general – Desquamation (flaking, scaling, peeling) of the skin

1  External Head, in general

1340 Color of the skin – pale (iron-deficiency anamia (chlorosis) etc.)


As required: Bone support (*combination mother tinctures and remedies to support Bone)

+K-Art-col +Ferr.LM6 +Influ.30C +Alum.LM6 +Sec. LM8

Morning: Calc. LM6

Afternoon: Psor. LM7

Evening: Merc-sol. LM8

Mother tinctures for Support Bone are Morus, Hypericum and Ruta.

Morus bombycis

Morus has a lot of calcium and magnesium and is effective for prevention of osteoporosis. (Brittle-bone disease) It has anti-diabetic action, impairment of sugar absorption (diabetes), expectoration action, anti-tussive action.

Hypericum perforatum

Hypericum has been used for treating wounds, urinary retention, and menstrual cramps.

Recently it is confirmed that Hypericum is effective also for relieving such emotions as  sorrow, desperation, fear, as well as anti-depression. It helps to bring light to darkness of mind.

Ruta graveolens

Ruta is effective for the eyes, tendons, bones. It also has anticancer effect.

When I started to see him, the red blood cell count was 3.9. This part is normal range. So the first prescription already made this normal. Then, he keeps the normal level.

Then, white blood cells, it was 3.1 in the beginning. After the first prescription it boosted up, then stayed in normal range. Blood platelets were 130, and it also became normal. Total protein was only the problem. However after I gave him Alfalfa, it went up, and became normal. Alfalfa is very important for a person who lacks protein.

Creatinine also went to normal.  After 1 year and 6 months of treatment he became a normal boy with good height. Now he has recovered from leukemia.

Analysis and summary

1. Parents already had wastes

2. Many inflammations such as otitis media, runny nose and coughing

3. Inflammation and fever were suppressed by drugs

4. Chicken pox at the age of 3 years old was suppressed by drugs

5. Lots of hemotoxin due to vaccinations and drugs

6. Children with Down’s syndrome have difficulty in excreting wastes.

7. After he had fever as a result of taking remedies and excreted wastes, his blood returned to normal.

Embrace symptoms.

8. Anti-Psoric remedies are very important for treating cancer.

Homoeopaths should investigate every possible cause of the disease, and give the most similar remedies to the patient. In this way, hope lies in treatment of intractable diseases.  Also, it is very important to encourage mothers of these children with intractable diseases.