Greetings from Torako Yui, the 18th JPHMA congress chairperson

Greetings from Torako Yui, the 18th JPHMA congress chairperson

Greetings by Dr. Torako Yui was released on the 18th JPHMA Congress special website.

【English Translation】

We are going to hold the 18th Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA) Annual Congress on Sat 13 and Sun 14 January 2018.

It cerebrates the 20th anniversary since the JPHMA was established in 1998.

I am heartily glad to hold the JPHMA congress for last eighteen years without fail after the first two-year preparation time. It owes solely to all JPHMA members who care about the annual congress and get together every year.
This congress will be a major milestone for the JPHMA, looking back on its activities in the past and making new start to prevail and develop homoeopathy in Japan for another twenty years.

The theme of this important congress is ‘Beautiful body, mind and soul – They are gifts from Nature’.

It is the first time for us to adopt ‘Beauty’ as the main theme.
Beauty means nature. Beautiful natural body comes from beautiful natural mind. Beautiful natural mind comes from beautiful natural soul. The beautiful soul shines like a light, being a beautiful ambition like a flower and a high and noble wish. The beautiful mind is gratitude, compassion and forgiveness.

A work is also art. We will find beauty in truth and nature after we cut out unnecessary things. The Zen Homoeopathy is also a form that pursues the art of homoeopathy and still has room for refinement.

Truth and beauty is identical. Sparkle of soul (high ambition) is needed to approach them. I wish homoeopaths to have high ambition, master the beauty of the healing art of homoeopathy, and guide people who suffer to regain the beauty of soul, mind and healthy body as Hahnemann said.

The congress is the biggest festival for homoeopathy in Japan and the most important event for the JPHMA. It is also held as a congress that is widely open to the public.

We are expecting many presentations by the JPHMA member homoeopaths, Inner Child therapists, Flower Essence practitioners, patients who experienced their cure through homoeopathy and guest presenters who relate to nature and beauty.

Homoeopathy that lets all creatures restore to their natural postures and encourages them to be themselves is the true medicine that is indispensable for all generations in the past, present and future. I hope many people who wish to know the latest and the front-line information for clinical cases about this healing art.

We welcome Dr. Malina Ciumasu Rimbu as an oversea guest speaker from Romania where is an advanced nation in the field of gemmotherapy, fresh pollen therapy and phytotherapy. I am expecting these therapies to play a big role in the ZEN Homoeopathy in Japan in future.

I am also glad to welcome a well-known Japanese actress, Ms. Kaoru Sugita who takes homoeopathic consultation, works on Inner Child Healing and is involved with cultivating herbs at TOYOUKE Natural Farming. It will be her second presentation.

The 20th cerebration party is also being planned after the first congress day for the first time in three years. ‘Delicious’ and ‘Healthy organic’ lunch box and party meals will be offered. We will also try to create beautiful natural decoration in the venue.

We have asked Mr. Noboru Katsumi, UNESCO intangible World Heritage, Artist Japanese Noh Performer to express the beauty of Japanese tradition with his performance benefitting this congress theme.

I would like to call out not only all the JPHMA members but also their acquaintances, patients and people who are interested in homoeopathy and natural healing therapies to participate this 20th anniversary congress, as it will be grand and outstanding.

Best wishes,

Torako Yui Ph.D.Hom.
The JPHMA Congress Chairperson



 ☜ Congress special website