Raw herbal enzyme juice Echinacea 100ml


Raw herbal enzyme juice Echinacea

These are 3 year fermented and matured TOYOUKE raw herbal enzyme juice. It is not processed with heat, thus alive enzymes can support intestinal environment to keep healthy. This raw herbal enzyme juice is effective when a body functions extremely high or extremely low when it receives a stress or the physical function gets unbalanced. For example, neurotransmission; no direction from the brain or bad transmission for secretion or hormones. It regains functional balance of each regions and restores

Spiritual view on Echinacea: It brings out a good idea and increases the quickness of one’s brain as it makes their mind and conscious be positive. It harmonises with others and increases forgiveness, acceptance, and love.

How to take

Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of juice into water, juice or tea which under 50 degrees or put the same amount directly in your mouth with a spoon. Please adjust the time and frequency of drinking according to your condition.


SKU: 114-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Category: