The Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy

The Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy

Dr. Torako Yui has been invited as a main speaker at one day conference by the Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy in Iashi, Romania on 24 October 2017.

【Website Link】

She has been introduced as it shown below;-

Torako Yui – Japanese miracle in motion

On 24 october 2017 we have the pleasure of inviting you to the lecture held by Torako Yui, chairperson of the Japanese Homoeopathic Association, in Iasi, at Unirea Hotel starting at 9, with the subject on “The Zen Homeopathy”. Torako Yui has a great personality of modern homeopathy and a pathfinder of new ways in homeopathy: three dimentional homeopathic prescription method, an extension of Hahnemanian method or agrohomeopathy being some of the multiple innovative approaches on which Japanese homeopathy grounds its therapeutic success.

Being a fresh graduate of the English school of homoeopathy, some decades ago, Torako came back to Japan that was on the first place in the world on pharmaceutics, pesticides and vaccines consumership, in which homeopathic method that she learned did not function properly so she had to adapt Hahnemanian method to those conditions , taking in account environmental pollution, food additives, inner child theory, iatrogenic diseases.

Homoeopathic Japanese system is an extraordinary integrative way of doing homeopathy starting from realizing “ who am I” continuing with discovering of the world that surrounds us, awareness of life, nature and fundamental principles of our existence. She set up TOYOUKE Natural Farming that has a natural farm where they produce homeopathic remedies starting from homeopathic carrying of the plants, soil, germinative seeds as a tribute to Hahnemann who does not teach us only a therapeutic method but also offers us advice for living a healthy life.

Torako Yui expertise covers the most difficult problems of public health and homeopathic approach like mind health, iatrogenic diseases, cancer, autism and other behavioral problems in children, radiation, chemical, pesticides exposure. In the history of Japanese homeopathy, Torako is the founder of it, involved in homeopathic management of great humanitarian disasters like Great Earthquake in eastern Japan, Fukushima nuclear disaster, Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and represented a loud and determined voice of homeopathy on all levels of Japanese society and worldwide (WHO) speaking for a homeopathy beyond dogmas, where different approaches does not eliminate each other but help together recover the health of every human being, human society and planet Earth.